When is an endoscopy necessary?

Best Endoscopy Surgery in Pune

Your gastroenterologist may prescribe an endoscopy for a variety of reasons. The doctor may use endoscopy to check the whole gastrointestinal system, including the esophagus and stomach to the small intestines and the rectum. They specialize in diagnosing and treating disorders related to the stomach, small intestines, and colon.

An Endoscopy is an examination of the digestive tract:-

There are two ways to do an endoscopy: either via the mouth or using an endoscope, which is an endoscope that is threaded through one’s digestive system. Endoscopes have cameras attached to them, allowing the gastroenterologist to look at the lining to check for lesions, bleeding, and other issues that could be present.

In patients over the age of 50, colonoscopies are the most frequent form of endoscopy, and they enable us to look for colon polyps and other indicators of colorectal cancer.

An Endoscopy may provide a variety of information:-

Using an endoscope, the gastroenterologist and his colleagues will search for both benign and precancerous polyps. They will thoroughly examine the lining of the intestines to search for any further growths or malignancies. It is also possible to utilize an upper endoscopy to discover intestinal issues.

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, your gastroenterologist may suggest that you have an endoscopy.

  • An unexplained ache in the abdomen.
  • Frequent bowel movements
  • A persistent burning in the chest
  • Intestinal bleeding or obstruction
  • Colon cancer


By the time people reach the age of 50, both men and women should have a colonoscopy. Consult your gastroenterologist about scheduling an earlier screening if you’re at higher risk for colon cancer. The best way to detect colorectal cancer in its early stages is through a colonoscopy, the only procedure currently available. Dr. Ujjwal Zambare may also remove any polyps seen during a normal colonoscopy that turn colon cancerous right away.