Tag Archives: best Gastroenterologist doctor in Pune

Home Posts tagged "best Gastroenterologist doctor in Pune"
Liver Diseases Treatment in Pune

How does Alcohol Impact Liver Health?

Alcohol consumption is now a common activity in most parts of the world. Even though people are aware of its dire consequences, it doesn’t stop them from stopping its consumption. If the consumption is not limited to a certain level, it can cause serious damage to the body, especially the live...
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liver disease treatment in pune

What are Drug-Induced Liver Diseases?

People can often suffer from liver diseases due to various medications. Doctors’ prescribed medications often can cause liver diseases. Sometimes, individuals also opt for over-the-counter medicines, which can cause drug-induced liver disease. Symptoms of liver diseases It has been noticed that p...
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GERD Treatment in pune

Foods to Eat and Avoid with GERD

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) a condition known as acid reflux develops when stomach acid seeps back up into the esophagus. Heartburn, for example, is a frequent side effect of this kind of situation. For example, the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) may have been injured or compromised, wh...
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Best Endoscopy Surgery in Pune

When is an endoscopy necessary?

Your gastroenterologist may prescribe an endoscopy for a variety of reasons. The doctor may use endoscopy to check the whole gastrointestinal system, including the esophagus and stomach to the small intestines and the rectum. They specialize in diagnosing and treating disorders related to the stomac...
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Gallbladder removal treatment in pune

Gallbladder pain: Reasons Why Your Stomach Hurts

Every time you eat, your gallbladder produces a greenish fluid known as bile, which aids in the digestion of fats and vitamins. Tubes are called ducts to carry bile from the gallbladder to the small intestine for digestion there. Gallbladder and bile-duct problems might cause pain in the upper right...
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Cirrhosis Liver treatment in Pune

Cirrhosis of the Liver: What is It, Symptoms, Causes & Stages

There are varied reasons why the liver of a person can get damaged. The prominent cause of liver damage is the consumption of excess alcohol. Once scars start forming in the level, these develop damages in the liver, and Cirrhosis is the last stage of this damage. As Cirrhosis develops, more scars s...
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Dr. Ujwal Zambare - Best Gastroentrologist in Pune

Best Gastroenterologist in Pune

Gastroenterology refers to the study of diseases and normal functioning of the stomach, esophagus, liver, bile ducts, gall bladder, pancreas, rectum and colon, and small intestine. It includes detailed knowledge of physiology or the normal action of these gastrointestinal organs. This involves the m...
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