Category Archives: Best Gastroenterologist doctor in Pune

Home Archive by category "Best Gastroenterologist doctor in Pune" (Page 2)
Gallbladder surgery in pune

5 Signs You Need Gallbladder Surgery

Gallstones are extremely common. They affect fifteen percent of adults. Gallstones are hardened bile and cholesterol deposits that are small enough to remain unproblematic and asymptomatic. But, people require gallbladder surgery when they experience an outbreak of infection, inflammation, and pain....
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acid reflux treatment in pune

What causes heartburn- Acid reflux?

Your stomach entrance has a valve that is like a muscle ring. It is referred to as the low esophageal sphincter or LES. The LES closes when food goes through it. In case it does not close all through the way, or if it opens, the stomach acid can move up into the esophagus. The […]...
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Cirrhosis Liver treatment in Pune

Cirrhosis of the Liver: What is It, Symptoms, Causes & Stages

There are varied reasons why the liver of a person can get damaged. The prominent cause of liver damage is the consumption of excess alcohol. Once scars start forming in the level, these develop damages in the liver, and Cirrhosis is the last stage of this damage. As Cirrhosis develops, more scars s...
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Dr. Ujwal Zambare - Best Gastroentrologist in Pune

Best Gastroenterologist in Pune

Gastroenterology refers to the study of diseases and normal functioning of the stomach, esophagus, liver, bile ducts, gall bladder, pancreas, rectum and colon, and small intestine. It includes detailed knowledge of physiology or the normal action of these gastrointestinal organs. This involves the m...
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